Join our Amazing Volunteer team!
Our Model Town and Gardens is only able to operate due to the time, goodwill, skills and commitment that our awesome volunteers dedicate to it.
This is your opportunity to join a great bunch of people and to be a part of our World Famous attraction's success story!

Making visitors feel welcome
Meet and greet visitors at admissions
Serve visitors in our shop
Talk to and walk with visitors in the Model Town to provide them with more information and answer their questions

Entertaining our guests
Develop paper and on-line quizzes to challenge our visitors: picture, multiple choice, “treasure hunts”, etc.
Event planning, organisation and management
Development and maintain exhibits
So what could you do at Wimborne Model Town?
The Winter Workshop
When the Model Town closes at the end of the season, around the end of October, the work begins to get it ready again for opening of next season, for the Easter holidays, this is our Winter Workshop.
Open 09:00 to 13:00 Monday through to Thursday mornings.
During this time we remove all the shopfronts, most of the windows and door and all the dioramas from inside the model buildings. After that they are cleaned, dried and inspected:
The ones that pass inspection have any required touching and freshening up work done.
The ones that fail inspection are either repaired, if that the right thing to do, or if they are too far gone, renewed.
The volunteers that carry out this work use a range of skills:
Woodworking - from whole shopfronts to items inside
Painting - shopfronts, window frames, miniature items, scale vehicles, model people
Modelling - using a range of materials; wood, clay, plastic , paper, … or on a computer for 3D printing
Sewing - curtains, clothes for model people
Wimborne Model Town
16 King Street, Wimborne,
Dorset BH21 1DY
Every Day
10:00 am – 5:00 pm